I've been wanting to create a blog for some time. It took me a long time for two reasons. 1. I couldn't decide on a topic for a blog. I am interested in so many things, I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to share with the world. I once contemplated making it a "cornucopia" of a blog with a little bit of everything in it. But that was just too broad. And it would take up too much of my time and yours. So I decided I must narrow my subject area. I decided to make it about something I'd like to improve upon, something I plan on going to school for, and something that would benefit me by sharing my creations while hopefully entertaining a growing audience. I decided to make it about writing. Once I had that figured out, problem number 2 arose. I needed a name for my blog. After thinking
of the most ridiculous and complicated blog titles, I decided to stick
simply with a name and a subtitle. I chose "imagination is essential"
for my subtitle because I believe that it simply is, especially for reading, writing, crafting, and learning. Things I enjoy doing. Now, as for the actual content of the blog, I hope to share some of my writing and hear from others about theirs. I might write using prompts from other blogs or sources and post my efforts or make up some prompts to challenge my readers. I'm just going to try to have some fun writing while hopefully improving my skills. So I hope this is fun for me to keep up with and enjoyable for you all to read!